
To be the leader in Italy in independent financial advisory, without conflicts of interest. To develop long-lasting relationships based on trust, transparency and professional integrity, all in order to protect our clients’ financial assets.

How we operate

The advantage of turning to Nextam Partners’ advisory services means benefitting from the company’s concrete and operating approach, a working method that stems from our innate asset management DNA and not that of a consultant.

We at Nextam Partners do not write books about dreams and give them to our clients to try and put into practice; at Nextam Partners we tackle all the critical aspects we find in a client’s investment portfolio with an operational spirit: from the consolidation of the positions held with the various brokers to analysis of all incurred costs, to the definition of suitable yield targets, the client’s risk profile, the choice of third-party asset managers, the choice of individual securities and, lastly, transparent reporting that includes an extremely in-depth analysis of the performance.

Though Nextam Partners SIM is part of a group that includes an asset management company with the same name, it does not use the group’s products but only those of top-notch third party houses, thus it’s a sort of boutique of boutiques.

The SIM offers its advisory services to very high profile institutional and private clients, in so doing offering a family office service.

Since the SIM only charges an advisory fee and a performance fee it can offer efficient solutions without any interest whatsoever in the actual sale of selected products, thereby placing satisfaction of its clients’ needs as the main objective.

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